The Security of Your Data & Our Promise

Know our Privacy Policy to see how Xprespay values your privacy and data protection. Find more about our dedication to protecting your information, security procedures, and data handling policies.

Information We collect

Personal Data

If you register for an Xprespay account, make a payment, or use our services, we may gather personal information from you, including your name, email address, phone number, and other specifics. Account administration, client service, and communication all depend on this data.

Payment Details

We obtain payment information, such as credit card number, bank account information, or other payment credentials, when you use Xprespay to make payments. You may be sure that this data is handled securely by our dependable payment service providers and kept.

Useful Data

Your IP address, browser type, device details, and usage habits are just a few of the data we could get from your interactions with our website and services. We can better our services, personalize the content, and strengthen security with the use of this information.

How We Use Your Information

Service Provision

In order to fulfill your requests for services like payment processing and Xprespay account management, we need your personal information. Notifications about accounts and transaction confirmations are sent as part of this.


For account-related correspondence, customer service, and the sending of updates and promotional materials, we could utilize your phone number and email address. Your account options allow you to control how you want to be contacted. .

Protection Against Fraud

We use your information for security and authentication so that fraud and unauthorized access can't harm you or our platform. This involves keeping an eye on transactions and confirming your identification.

Enhancement & Analysis

Our website, services, and user experience are improved by the analysis of the data we gather. Statistics, research, and the creation of fresh functions and enhancements are all included in this.

Get in Touch

Please get in touch with us if you have any queries or worries regarding our privacy statement or your personal data.