Resolution of Disputes and Chargebacks

It is our goal at Xprespay to give people a simple and safe online payment experience. We are aware that chargebacks and disagreements do occur from time to time. Procedures for dealing with and resolving such difficulties are described on this page.

Dispute Settlement

Speak with Customer Service

Please contact our Customer Support staff prior to filing a grievance or chargeback. They can help you solve the majority of problems effectively.

Examine the transaction's details

Examine the transaction information in your Xprespay account, along with any related emails or receipts. The resolution procedure requires the use of this information.

Launch a Dispute

You can send us an official dispute by email at [dispute email address] if the matter is still not addressed. Kindly incorporate the following information in your dispute request:

  1. Your complete name and number.
  2. Information about the transaction (date, amount, description).
  3. An in-depth analysis of the problem.

Research and Settlement

Within [number of days] working days, Xprespay will start an inquiry and attempt to provide a resolution.

Procedure for Chargeback

When a user disputes a charge on their account, they can initiate a chargeback by getting in touch with their bank or credit card provider. Please take note of this:

  1. Chargebacks are to be utilized only after Xprespay's Customer Support has been exhausted in trying to fix the problem.
  2. Chargebacks are usually available for transactions that were fraudulent or unauthorized.

Maintaining Account Security

In order to safeguard your Xprespay account and stop fraudulent transactions, we advise doing the following:

  1. Keep your login information safe, and make sure your account password is private and secure.
  2. Keep a regular eye out for any unlawful behaviour in your transaction history.
  3. For efficient communication, keep your Xprespay account's contact information current.

Speak with Us

Please contact our Customer Support staff if you have any queries or want assistance with a dispute or chargeback. In order to maintain the security and dependability of your Xprespay experience, we are here to assist you throughout the resolution process.